Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Last Day of The Rad Place

Waking up, I felt a bittersweet feeling getting out of bed and preparing my stuff for the day. I ate my breakfast that we got the previous night, walked out the door and waited for the rest of the palz. We walked to the ferry where we would leave the island. I took in the smells, looks, feelings of the island one last time before I boarded. On the ferry, I stood outside for the majority of the ride. The sky had cleared up that day and you could see all of the mountains for the first time this trip. We got off and boarded a bus to go to Seattle where we would go to Pike's Market. We walked around the area, seeing the gum wall and other attractions, while buying food and souvenirs. Finally, we got on the bus one more time to get to the airport where we would board a plane to Denver. The flight back consisted of on-and-off UNO games and naps. As we were landing, we were right above the clouds that covered Colorado. They all were bright and reflecting the sun. Only a few parts of the mountains were visible, and it made a very warm welcome back home (even though it was cold). We said our thank yous and goodbyes, and I left with my parents. The last day was almost as good as all the others, and I'm happy but also sad to leave.

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